Bishopstrow Online was developed in response to the coronavirus pandemic, with all schools in the UK required to close in mid-March 2020
Launched for Term 3 on March 30, Bishopstrow Online delivers a fully interactive Bishopstrow education to students around the world
Bishopstrow Online offers much more than a remote learning experience. The Programme covers academic, cultural, social and boarding preparation, as well as wellbeing and fitness. Face-to-face lessons are delivered in live, interactive classrooms by Bishopstrow’s professionally qualified teachers. Students are able to interact with their teacher in the video classroom or message their teacher with particular questions, comments or contributions
The College continuously relies on student feedback to evaluate all aspects of its provision. Given that online learning is a new experience for almost all staff and students at the College, we are delighted to share feedback from the current cohort of students enrolled. With an 80% response rate, this feedback provides some key insights in relation to the student experience, which we hope will be helpful for agents and families considering an online programme for the summer. For further details, please click on the link below: