Being a small school, students and staff have the opportunity to get to know each other really well. This contributes to the happiness, development and success of students. Visitors often remark on the unique atmosphere they encounter at Bishopstrow and the relaxed, informal relationships they witness between staff and students.
We are a very caring and supportive community, with the safety and well-being of students of paramount importance. Our teachers and tutors support students in class, offering them advice and help when it is needed. Outside the classroom, our trained residential boarding staff ensure the welfare of students from arrival at the College to their final departure. We maintain a high ratio of boarding staff to students, thereby ensuring a high level of supervision of students during the school week and throughout weekends.
Fully-qualified staff are always available to discuss personal and health matters. The College has four trained and qualified Safeguarding Leads, led by the Head of Boarding as Designated Safeguarding Lead.
The Head of Boarding also act as the College’s Mental Health Lead. All boarding staff have first aid training and there is a medical room on site. Students are registered with the GP at the local surgery. A member of the boarding team will make appointments for students where appropriate and accompany them, in the unlikely event that medical treatment is required. We also offer a life coaching service, details of which can be obtained from the Principal.
All students at the College are required to have a UK-based guardian. We recommend that any guardianship organisation used by a family is one which is accredited by AEGIS (The Association for the Education and Guardianship of International Students). If a student’s parents do not know a suitable person to nominate as a guardian, the College will be able to provide details of professional guardianship organisations formally inspected and accredited by AEGIS.